A Professional Organizer’s experience working with a Personal Stylist.

A Note from the Stylist:
When I met Kaytlyn, we quickly connected over our businesses and passions. We shared many of the same ideals: increasing our client’s confidence, educating and sharing resources, and decreasing waste. It made me so happy when she reached out to me and wanted to go through my Style Foundations program. Not only because I’m passionate about the program, I was so excited to work with her!
~Shelby, All Set Style
My Personal Style Journey
I’ve never called myself “stylish." Fashion has never been something I knew much about, or could easily pull off. And when I worked in health care, I didn’t really worry about it. I wore scrubs, and just picked colours and patterns I thought were cute or fun. It was straight forward enough.
When I transitioned into a professional role, I knew I needed a wardrobe that reflected that. Not only did I need others to see me as competent and put together, I wanted to feel confident about my appearance and expertise.
This is when I met Shelby. As an image consultant with an HR background, she knew exactly how I was feeling. Before going out and buying a new wardrobe, I decided to complete her Style Foundations program. (Spoiler - she saved me a ton of heartache, time and cash. More on that later!)
The Style Foundations Experience
Slightly terrified and feeling hopeful I arrived ready to learn. Shelby guided me through the Style Foundations without judgment, and kindly answered all my questions as we went along. We started with a colour draping to identify my colour pallet. I was shocked to learn I had a warm undertone, not cool. This explained a lot!
Shelby also identified my silhouette, and we reviewed the types of clothing that best balance my specific body type. Now I knew why I didn’t like puffy sleeves, but did like high waisted pants. Then we dove into a discussion of style personality, which I hadn’t explored much on my own, and lifestyle. Lifestyle was a key factor for me as I was going through a big transition - goodbye scrubs, hello professional wear!
Decluttering My Closet
I left the Style Foundations feeling a little surprised at what I’d learned. I hadn’t realized I had a habit of choosing clothing in colours that subdued my appearance, that made me seem smaller and unassuming. I now had explanations for many of my subconscious clothing preferences, that I could consciously apply.
Armed with my colour matching book and a clear vision for my style personality, I went home to declutter! It was much easier to go through what I owned and pick out what belonged there. I could now see the colours that brought out the best in me, the cuts of clothing that suited my body, and saw which pieces were versatile and which were frustratingly limited.
Adding Pieces to Reset My Wardrobe
Rather than immediately buying all new clothes, I slowly began to swap my items for those that better aligned with my new found style. When I checked thrift and consignment shops I could beeline to the sections that matched my colour palette. Knowing which tones worked best for me, I could easily disregard half the store. This was a huge relief! I could make intentional shopping decisions, and more and more of my closet was becoming versatile.
Knowing confidently what types of clothing worked for me, I no longer went home with tops I liked in the store only to find I had no pants to match. And I no longer felt frustrated with the overwhelming number of options out there. Over time, my closet has gone from grays that washed me out, to a mix of warm pieces that I can interchange and layer.
Organizing My Closet
Organizing comes naturally to me, so the next part was easy! I followed the same steps I use with my clients to help them get organized. My vision was to have a streamlined closet with versatile items where I could create outfits with ease. I had decluttered, and now I could set up a simple system using my favourite strategies. I positioned my most worn categories front and center, formalwear and novelty items to the sides of the closet. I grouped clothing by type (that’s my personal preference), and then by colour. I also chose folding and hanging methods I knew I could keep up with over time - simple and easy ones!

The Results
Discovering my style and having the skills and strategies to curate my wardrobe has been a game changer. I save time when shopping, and energy when getting dressed in the morning since my pieces are easily located and are interchangeable. I saved a lot of heartache and frustration that I would have had to endure to learn all of this by trial and error - not to mention money too.
I still use my colour book when I go shopping, though I’m relying on it less and less. My closet is streamlined and organized, and I can see the outfits come together more easily. I’ve changed to mostly warm, gold jewelry, which I’m liking a lot. Most importantly, I feel that my style is still authentic to me and reflects the confidence I’m feeling.

From the Stylist:
Kaytlyn is not alone in her journey, many of our clients experience a transformation from the inside out going through the Style Foundations program. The work Kaytlyn does with Sort & Simple Professional Organizing aligns so well with the work I do as an Image Consultant. I specialize in helping you discover your style personality and the clothing that will allow you to express it, but I’m not the expert in organizing your closet! This is where Sort & Simple comes in. As experts in organizing, they create maintainable flow and function in your closet.
You may be wondering, “How can I reset my wardrobe?” Kaytlyn and I have banded together, to create a full experience, so you can find your style AND organize your closet with confidence! This journey includes the expertise of All Set Style and Sort & Simple.
Ready to reset your closet?
The Experts:

Kaytlyn Beakhouse is the Lead Organizer at Sort & Simple Professional Organizing. With a passion for simplicity and efficiency, her team brings flow and function to any space. Ready to declutter your closet? Contact Sort & Simple today!

Shelby Eloria is the Founder and Lead Image Consultant of All Set Style. We guide people in owning their presence & style, using what we wear every day as a tool to achieve the expression of your authentic self.